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Hello all,

I got a query related to ARIS dashboard creation, queries mentioned below:

  1. How to create data feed in ARIS Table on cloud version.
  2. How to create dashboard with context sensitivity.
  3. Is this possible to create context sensitivity between model and dashboard, when we create data feed through web URL after adding file in document storage and then creating dashboard through this data feed.


@André Vitor Oliveira @Zuzana Baloghova @Eva Klein @Trusha Rolvering - 

Looking for your prompt response.. 

by André Vitor Oliveira
Posted on Thu, 04/18/2024 - 23:52

Hi Deepan

1 - When you add your widget will have the option "Configure Data Manually" and click in "Show all" in next page to select the ARIS Table option.
For 2 and 3 you have the "ARIS Parameters" in Data Feed and can choose ARIS.selectionGUID, however can be also defined as startItemID = ARIS.selectionGUID.
For example, if you are getting a list of models from your data source, you can use the ARIS.contextGUID and add this Dashboard in your Model via Modification Set. Then based in this configuration once navigate to your model will use this contextGUID to change the information in Dashboard. 



by Deepanshu Beniwal Author
Posted on Fri, 04/19/2024 - 06:51

In reply to by André Vitor

Hello Andre San

After selecting the ARIS table while configuring the data feed manually, where can we find the URL that needs to be added in the ARIS table configuration?


For steps 2 and 3, could you provide more details on how to add user input after creating a data feed and uploading an Excel file to document storage? Additionally, how can we then add user input for the context grid in that data feed?

I tried but not able to connect user input with data source and output.


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