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Models reflect structure and processes of your company. Because of existing changes on the market or in your company, models have to been changed, too. Changes can be compared easily (version comparison), for example automatic comparison during release cycle management (RCM) process. The comparison shows the delta between current version and desired version, but does not explain why the model was changed. The solution is ARIS Audit Trail macro, which I want to share with you today.

ARIS Audit Trail macro

With the ARIS Audit Trail macro you can offer your colleagues clear descriptions of:

  • What was the reason for the change?
  • When did the change occur?
  • Which person made the change?

How to activate the macro

To get started recording changes, you have to activate the macro „Modeling audit trail”. To do so, you have to open the properties of the macro after you imported the macro to your ARIS installation.

change properties of macros or reports

You activate the macro by choosing “Available to users”.

Activation to users

To view or to change when the macro should be started automatically, select „Event” and „Select event…” in the “Context” property page of the macro.

context property page of a macro

By default the macro is defined to be executed automatically directly before a model is closed. So the event “Model is to be closed (vetoable)” is selected here.

event slection for macro running

The purpose of these selections is, for example, when a changed model is closed, the modeler is asked to enter the reason for the change.

reason for changes

User, timestamp and reason are added in model attribute „modeling audit trail“. Users of version control systems such as CVS, SVN or Perforce know such a mechanism. Every time you submit a new version, you enter a short text describing your change. This helps to later go back to a specific version of a document or to review what has happened to the model in the past. You can easily manage and describe the history of model changes. With the Audit Trail macro you get transparent information, why models were changed. It is available in model attributes to enable easy reporting. The ARIS Audit Trail macro forms a part of the release cycle management process. By automatically bringing up the submit dialog on each model change, users are forced to continuously keep track of their changes. During the release cycle management process, reviewers can take their decision also based on the „why“, which is displayed in the review screen. The modeling audit trail information is transferred into the model´s change history attribute to have a new starting point for future changes of the model.

Macro Download & Setup

To get started, download the ARIS Audit Trail macro and save it on your hard disk. Please note, you can only download the macro if you are currently logged in to ARIS Community. The macro was developed for and tested with ARIS Platform 7.1 and it might not run on older versions.

Make sure that you have ARIS Business Architect, because you need the administration module to import the macro. In case you only got ARIS Business Designer on your machine, you must ask your ARIS administrator to install the macro for you.

For more information about downloading & setting up reports and macros in ARIS, read my previous article “Reports and macros in ARIS”.

After download and installation, you can use the macro by activating it as described in the previous sections.

Note: Check this post if you are looking for other free ARIS reports & macros. If you want to discuss ARIS scripting problems, make sure to join the group Reports & Macros in ARIS.

by Stefan Geis
Posted on Fri, 02/19/2010 - 14:56

Hi Torsten,

this tool seems very useful. However, after installing like you described, each time I close a model and the dialog to provide the audit trail comment, I get an exception that the macro can not be executed. Even though I use the general filter, the details of the exception says that the corresponding attribute is either not allowed in the current context and/or can not be modified.

In case you have an idea how to solve this...let me know.



by Torsten Haase Author
Posted on Fri, 02/19/2010 - 15:44

Hi Stefan,

the only possible reason for this effect is that the attribute is not allowed, either in your configuration filter or generally in your ARIS version.

You can check very easily:

Open the attribute window for a model. In the attribute tree, look for the following attribute:

- Attribute type group "Process automation", attribute type subgroup "Lifecycle", attribute "Modeling audit trail".

If this attribute is not visible using entire method, you'll need to update to the latest ARIS version (Service Release 2010_05).

Best regards,


by Stefan Geis
Posted on Mon, 02/22/2010 - 11:18

In reply to by Marika

Hi Torsten,

uups, you were absolutely right!

It seems like applying the entire method filter did not not work the other day...

Thank you!

Apart from putting the user-enterd data with timestamp and userinfo line by line into the attribute data, is there a cool way you consider evaluating the data (well if not cool, I also go for the uncool ;-)? E.g. I work a lot with XML/XSLT and to evaluate a corresponding export, I would either have to adjust (aka hack) your code so that  "XML-like" data is written into the attribute or put some advanced (from my perspective) regular expression stuff into the evaluating XSLT (and use XSLT 2.0).

Thanks again for any idea how to proceed from this...



by Gro Geysner
Posted on Mon, 02/22/2010 - 10:02

Hi Torsten

Cool Macro - a couple of questions:

Is the attribute "Modeling audit trail" used in ARIS Process Governance? You write that the content is transferred to the models Change history, does that happens automatically as a part of RCM and are the attribute then cleared?

If you do not use an automatic RCM how can you clear the attribute. For instance after versioning?

Best regards,


by Osvaldo Davila
Posted on Tue, 02/23/2010 - 15:18

Hi Torsten,

Thanks for the tool seems very useful,  we are having an issue after installing the macro like you described, each time I close a model i get the following error:

Error while creating the report

Unable to run macro

Further information: Can't Find Method Designer.isModified(Model,boolean).

in the context we have the event: Model to be saved (vetoable)


Best Regards,



by Kalimuthu Aruchamy
Posted on Mon, 03/15/2010 - 12:43

In reply to by sstein

Hi Osvaldo,

I get the same error too... Incase if this was fixed Kindly let me know the steps to resolve this.

by Sebastian Stein
Posted on Mon, 03/15/2010 - 12:45

Hi Osvaldo and Kalimuthu,

are you running ARIS Platform 7.1 service release 5 or which version are you using?

by Osvaldo Davila
Posted on Mon, 03/15/2010 - 16:58

Hi Sebastian

Currently  I use ARIS 7.1 SR 2008_10


by Darlene Hinkle
Posted on Tue, 03/30/2010 - 17:08

I tried using this macro but get an error:  Modeling audit trail, lin 24.  Unable to run macro.  Further information:  Can't find method Designer.isModified (Model,boolean).  (Modeling audit trail #24). 

by Torsten Haase Author
Posted on Tue, 03/30/2010 - 17:46

Hi Darlene and Osvaldo,

your ARIS version seems to be too old. You need at least ARIS Platform 7.1 service release 3/2009.

by Darlene Hinkle
Posted on Tue, 03/30/2010 - 17:47

Thanks!  We will be upgrading from v.7.1 SR1 to SR5 next month.  Darlene

by Volker Eckardt
Posted on Thu, 04/01/2010 - 11:07

Hi Torsten,

just a simple question: is there any limitation in terms of log comment length? Will we reach the field end soon in case we enter always quite a long log message?

Thanks in advance!


by Stefan Geis
Posted on Thu, 04/01/2010 - 10:41

Good question!

And: I am impressed, without relieable data I added 180 times the standard "lorem ipsum" (runs across 6 lines) and this worked OK. But I am also surprised that there is no information available on the storage size for the various data types, like the audit trail.

[re-edit] I am now at 11800 times lorem ipsum. This was possible, but doing something with the model becomes rather cumbersome. Cumbersome is euphemistically for "re-opening the model was cancelled because the browser became unresponsive".

[re-edit2] We can save some storage space if the macro is modified.

E.g. I modified the macro available after migration to SP 5 to the old macro that does not make the difference between "business" and "technical" change (AFAIR, these were the names used).

E.g. You could change the macro's behavior if the user does not provide a comment at all. In all cases, you can avoid the additional extra empty line that is inserted. Currently, I consider to not update the attribute in this case. But this can change with the compliance environment of a project.

by Chris Taylor
Posted on Tue, 05/11/2010 - 06:53

Hi guys,


I must be doing something wrong. I've downloaded the zip file, but can't find any .amx or .arx files.

All I get are 9 files (some of them look to be named with GUIDs). I'm using 7-zip is this a problem?





by Sebastian Stein
Posted on Tue, 05/11/2010 - 09:27

Don't extract the ZIP file! This is the report already. Just import it. It might be that your browser renames the file and adds a ZIP extension to it. In that case, rename the file again and add "amx" as extension. Now you can import it to ARIS. For some reason, Internet Explorer renames the files during download.

by Chris Taylor
Posted on Wed, 05/12/2010 - 00:58

Cool that worked, but I'm having the same problem with the error message (and similar errors when I try to run other code via macros that works in reports).

We will upgrade soon so will try it after then. Many thanks.

by Pinaki Ghosh
Posted on Sat, 07/17/2010 - 02:56

this is cool - few question


1. If I am using a thin client and ARIS and logging in through the browser then can th admin enable this macro for all users or do you have to enable it for each user.

what I mean is that can I enable the macro at database level so that all users are forced to use it?


2. what is the effect of this on APG - if that is added later.


3. How many entries can I have in 1 version?


4. If I create new version then does the old version retain the info or will it move to the new version?

by Moudi Alsalem
Posted on Mon, 10/25/2010 - 16:05

Hi there,

The report works just excellent for me, except, the field in which it keeps the change logs is very small and with no scroll bars. So I can't exactly view more than a few lines.

Is there a way to create an output file (i.e. txt or PDF) that includes all the change logs in a particular model. I do not want to create an output file for each change. I want one output file with ALL the changes in a particular model, collapsed.




by Mike Pearce
Posted on Wed, 10/27/2010 - 11:29

I cannot download the macro. Is the web site available?

by Eva Klein
Badge for 'Community Team' achievement
Posted on Wed, 10/27/2010 - 11:42

Hi Mike,

Yes, the macro download is available, but you can only download the macro if you are currently logged in to ARIS Community.



by Mike Pearce
Posted on Wed, 10/27/2010 - 17:15

I am logged in - the download tells me ths site is not available.

by Volker Eckardt
Posted on Sat, 10/30/2010 - 22:08

In reply to by gururaj.jorapur

Hi Mike,

Just tried the download once more and it works excellent (both, the first and second link). Please give another try!

Thanks, Volker

by Dick Linschoten
Posted on Thu, 03/24/2011 - 14:57

Hi Torsten,

Great macro and it runs fine. How ever. when I logged in to the database using a different language than English I get an error messges


Type errror: Cannot call method "getValue" of  null (moddeling audit trail#9)

Is there a solution that this macro can run in different languages?

by Damian Gawlowski
Posted on Wed, 10/12/2011 - 11:32


I have successfuly imported the macro and have configured it as above with the Model is to be closed (vetoable) event selected. However, when i close the model it asks for the reason, as expected, then it asks whether I want to save it, as expected, but now it asks for a reason again! SDo i put in trhe rewason and then it gives me the error in line 24, unable to run macro, because the model is not open!?!

What am I doing wrong?


by Alex D
Posted on Wed, 12/07/2011 - 20:37


Does this macro work with Aris 7.2? Thanks


by Gilad Wilk
Posted on Sun, 12/18/2011 - 12:55


I would like to manage the changes between versions for models.

Is there any way to see if a change was made is the attribute level for a specific object in the model.

I thought of something like making a primal version and then after the change creating another version. At that point i would like to know if it's possible to track the changes that been made


Hope I made myself clear,

Thanks in advance


by Gilad Wilk
Posted on Sun, 12/18/2011 - 16:13

Hi again,

I found the "Compare model version" script and he does all the things I need.



by Green Horn
Posted on Fri, 05/11/2012 - 11:19


How do I generate out those comments that I had input?



by Vera Abreu
Posted on Thu, 07/05/2012 - 17:37

I tried using this macro but get an error:  Modeling audit trail, lin 24.  Unable to run macro. 

My ARIS version is (SR 2010_09).


by Dick Linschoten
Posted on Fri, 07/06/2012 - 08:02

I can recall that we had the same issue. The cause could be that the model is changed in an other language but that there is no name for the object filled in.

by Gilad Wilk
Posted on Sun, 07/08/2012 - 08:36


I think I also had the same problem,

try to go to the script code to that line,

if i remember correctly there is a line above or under that mentioned as a comment with double backslash in front of her (//).

try to replace between the two (add  to 24 // in the beginning and delete from the other one the //)

Hope it helps,


by Stefan Geis
Posted on Fri, 01/18/2013 - 13:02

Please correct me but as I see it, the above documentation is not completely correct.

When I updated to one of the newer SPs of Business Server, the macro became part of the SP and the dialog has a different layout as shown here, e.g. there are more than one text boxes and a drop down list allows the user to select from a list of change categories (sorry, I write this from memory as I currently do not have access to our server).

It might prevent confusion if this newer set-up is described here, or if its description elsewhere is referenced here.




by Michael Zieran
Posted on Wed, 02/06/2013 - 13:58

Is there a chance to run the macro only on selected databases and not on the whole Server?


Any Ideas?


Kind regards


by Kalimuthu Aruchamy
Posted on Thu, 02/07/2013 - 13:25

In reply to by q2y5np9c6o38

Hi Michael,

You can run the macro only on selected database by inserting the following code.

selection = Designer.getSelectedModels();

var oDB = Context.getLoginInfo(selection[0]).getDatabaseName();

if(oDB=="DB Name")


   <Macro Code>




Kalimuthu A

by Michael Zieran
Posted on Thu, 02/07/2013 - 18:29

Hi Kalimuthu,


thank you very much, that's what I was looking for. 


Kind regards


by Dick Linschoten
Posted on Fri, 02/08/2013 - 08:30

Dear Kalimuthu,

If the macro should run for more databases but not all how should I interpret this line if(oDB=="DB Name") should all databases be mentioned where the report should run be marked like


if(oDB=="DB Name") or (oDB=="DB Name") ....

or differently

kind regards

by Kalimuthu Aruchamy
Posted on Mon, 02/11/2013 - 08:57

You can use followin syntax,

if(oDB=="DB Name" || oDB=="DB Name 2" ....)


kind regards

Kalimuthu A

by Dagmar Schaffer
Posted on Fri, 01/11/2019 - 10:40


does a similar audit trail macro exist for changes to objects?

Functionality shall be:

either: When an object is closed after any attributes have been changed, a dialog pops-up in order to enter a reason for the change.

or (even better): When an object is closed after any attributes have been changed, the system writes the before and after values along with the attribute name, user name and time stamp into a text field.





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