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Dear subscribers of the University Relations Group,


Great news! We are happy to announce that ARIS 9 has been officially released for Software AG’s paying customers.

Starting now, it’s up to the University Relations Team to create customized and convenient offers for students and faculty members based on ARIS 9 software.

Get excited to find free ARIS 9 Products plus free ARIS Education Packages within the University Relations webpages sometime between October and December of 2013.

So stay tuned. As soon as the new downloads are available, all subscribers of the University Relations group will be informed via a new post.


Yours Sincerely,

University Relations Team

From Students for Students

by Daniela Monardes
Posted on Fri, 08/09/2013 - 17:09

Estudiante Ingenieria Civil Industrial

Universidad Carolica del Norte

by Trusha Rolvering
Posted on Tue, 10/08/2013 - 11:27

Great news everyone!

University Relations has achieved to create a customized ARIS Education Package for students and faculty members,

based on ARIS 9. This “Process Live Education Package” will be entering its pilot phase from today on.

Professor Knittel and his team of students from Cologne University of Applied Sciences will be initiating the package in its pilot phase as the leading partner. They will design, publish and improve processes following standard modeling notations like Event-driven Process Chain (EPC) in the cloud.

We look forward to a great partnership and will gladly share the results with you, right here. So stay tuned.

by Anatoly Ryabukha
Posted on Tue, 04/08/2014 - 23:09

In reply to by Trusha


Sorry for disturbance.

How Russian university can receive access to that.

I will appreciate your response.

Kind regards,

 A. Ryabukha

by Trusha Rolvering
Posted on Wed, 10/09/2013 - 14:02

Kick-off for the evaluation project of our “Process Live Education Package” at Cologne University of Applied Sciences Campus Gummersbach.

by Fabio Martins
Posted on Wed, 03/05/2014 - 21:10

Post -graduation focus 6sigma, can have class with ARIS 9 ??

How to reach it with my University ? Pontificia Universidade Católica do Paraná - Brazil

by daniel schussheim
Posted on Tue, 04/01/2014 - 18:02

Hi, what is the status of ARIS 9 for university??  thanks


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