
When empower was introduced I had the impression, that it was not for us university admins, but for paying customers only. So I never registered.

But the information regarding the the log4j security breach is apparently only given there.

I have requested an empower account yesterday morning, but got nothing back so far.

I have a lot of students that need to prepare for examns in January and an irate Professor who wants me to fix the servers, so they can go online again. So before I wait to long, I rather ask a stupid question here...

Do we have access to empower? And if not, where do we (university customers) get the information on the log4j situation?


Jan Koops


by Gergely Varró
Posted on Tue, 12/14/2021 - 20:35

Dear Jan,

I answered your question in a separate e-mail. Please check your inbox.

Kind regards,


by Niklas Jahn
Posted on Thu, 12/16/2021 - 12:40

In reply to by gervarro-test

Dear Greg,

for me the same situation applies as for Jan.

Could you please also share this important information with me via mail, so I can mitigate the problem and my students can finish their current tasks in ARIS?

Thank you in advance!

Kind regards


by Gergely Varró
Posted on Thu, 12/16/2021 - 18:40

In reply to by Niklas Jahn

Dear Niklas,

I contacted you in a separate e-mail. Please check your inbox.

Kind regards,


by Alexander Cherednichenko
Badge for 'Answermachine' achievement
Posted on Wed, 12/15/2021 - 15:36

The same question, my client registered yesterday in Empower but did not receive any credentials for login. 

by Gergely Varró
Posted on Thu, 12/16/2021 - 18:13

In reply to by BPS

Hi Alexander,

this forum post is primarily intended for students and faculty members at universities. If you or your client are customers, then you should most probably be entitled to get access to Empower via the official channel.

Kind regards,



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