
Combine BPM and GRC

Featured Speakers:

  • Maarten Geijsberts, Process Business Consultant, Dutch Railways
  • Harald Sommer, Organizational Development, OeKB
  • Elke Bastian, Director ARIS Product Marketing, Software AG

It’s no secret anymore that best results in big projects like transformation initiatives are achieved when business and IT departments work hand in hand together and support each other. The same is true when it comes to business process management and governance, risk and compliance management. They work best when seamlessly integrated with each other.

If you want to be completely sure that you fulfill laws and regulations to avoid high costs or penalties, you need to know in which processes you have risks of being not compliant. Then you can define appropriate controls and measures to mitigate these risks. The same is true not only for operational or cyber risks but also for ESG related risks.

Learn in this webinar how to benefit from an integrated and process-driven solution for efficient risk & compliance management.

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