Hi Team,

I have installed ARIS 10.5 and created a "testclient". However when I am trying to start the runnables , the analysis server (as) is getting started successfully but the client server (cs) is not starting. I am getting the below logs. Please know that I am very much new to ARIS hence it may be a redundant question. Please help.

I: 03/08/21 19:19:58 [SRV] Connecting user PPMUSER with jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;selectMethod=cursor;databaseName=PPMDB...
I: 03/08/21 19:19:58 [SRV] ARIS Process Performance Manager
I: 03/08/21 19:19:58 [SRV] Database version used: 14.00.3370.
I: 03/08/21 19:19:58 [SRV] JDBC driver used: Microsoft JDBC Driver 9.2 for SQL Server (
E: 03/08/21 19:19:59 [SRV] Unable to establish connection to User management. The system may have been migrated to a new or not yet migrated User management. Please refer to the Migration guide for details.
    DB-Error: Invalid object name 'INTERNAL_INFO'. (1006) [208/S0002]
    Invalid object name 'INTERNAL_INFO'.    [com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException]
S: 03/08/21 19:19:59 [SRV] Messages of component "SRV":
S: 03/08/21 19:19:59 [SRV]     1 error(s)


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