I want to create a batch file which automatically backup the databases i work on ARIS. I reach the old posts on forum and learn about arisadm90.exe. Currently i can use arisadm90.exe file to backup manually. How can i do this process automatically?
Thanks in advance.
Dear Mert,
Did you find this discussion? http://www.ariscommunity.com/users/das-grinder/2014-01-30-automated-database-backup
In one of the replies I mentioned arisadm.bat as an alternative to the console arisadm90.exe.
About that batch script some more discussions are available: https://www.google.de/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=%22arisadm.bat%22+site:ariscommunity.com
An alternative to ARIS Server Administrator (arisadm) could be using the ARIS Cloud Controller command backup tenant. That extracts and stores (almost) ALL data of your ARIS, including databases, custom filters/reports/macros/templates etc., along with users, license keys, documents in Document Storage etc. Get more details in .\Documents\English\ARIS Server Installation and Administration Guide.pdf.