I've got two related problems,

  1. When I use the CreateURL operator in a feed, and then attach the URL to a text box or single traffic light display element, the link won't operate in either. The mouse pointer turns into a hand when you hover over the text box or traffic light, but clicking has no effect and there is no tooltip shown.

  2. The workaround we have found is to create a table display element and connect the feed to that. The link now operates correctly, including the tooltip, however, we want to make it look like a simple text box, with absolutely no borders, lines etc. I've tried switching off all the grid lines and setting all colours in the palette to white, but there is still a horizontal line displayed above the (top row of the) table.

Are either of these problems fixable?


by Pappoo Yaar
Posted on Thu, 02/27/2014 - 22:12

This is quite dirty but may get the job done. Or give you some other idea.

1) For the "work around" table that has the date in assign data set default selection.

2) Create a text box and in assign data have that box use selection from your "work around" table. In this scenario the text box link works like a charm. No tooltip though.

3)You may say well we still have the problem of table being there. You may set it to the back of some other control on your app.

I am myself quite disappointed with Textbox not working for link in simple situations.



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