Hello everyone,
I'm writing a report that starts on a VACD model.
In the VACD there is a user-defined attribute called revision. I need to show the value of this attribute in all versions of the model.
I found this code: var vcomponent = context. Getcomponent ( "version ");
var rlist = vcomponent. Getmodelrevisions (Oselmodel);
for (var r = 0; r < rlist. Length; R + +) {
var revinfo = rlist [R];
var Avermodel = getmodelversion (Oselmodel, Revinfo. Getrevisionnumber ());
But I don't know if it's correct to access the revision attribute of version 1 of the selected model, revision attribute of version 2 of the selected model, and so on. I'm using ARIS 10. Can you help me, please?
I'm writing a report that starts on a VACD model.
In the VACD there is a user-defined attribute called revision. I need to show the value of this attribute in all versions of the model.
I found this code: var vcomponent = context. Getcomponent ( "version ");
var rlist = vcomponent. Getmodelrevisions (Oselmodel);
for (var r = 0; r < rlist. Length; R + +) {
var revinfo = rlist [R];
var Avermodel = getmodelversion (Oselmodel, Revinfo. Getrevisionnumber ());
But I don't know if it's correct to access the revision attribute of version 1 of the selected model, revision attribute of version 2 of the selected model, and so on. I'm using ARIS 10. Can you help me, please?