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can anybody help? Does anyone have the same problem?

Using ARIS PPM with Micrsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (10.50.1600.1) for a research project I get this error when starting the PPM server:

"I: 26.08.13 12:36:20 [SRV] Verwendete Datenbankversion: 10.50.1600.

I: 26.08.13 12:36:20 [SRV] Verwendeter JDBC-Treiber: Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver 2.0 (2.0.1803.100).

E: 26.08.13 12:36:20 [SRV] Fehler beim Lesen der Datenbankversionsnummer.

    DB-Error: Invalid object name 'DBVERSIONNUMBER'. (1006) [208/S0002]

    Invalid object name 'DBVERSIONNUMBER'.    []

Fehler beim Lesen der Datenbankversionsnummer.

    DB-Error: Invalid object name 'DBVERSIONNUMBER'. (1006) [208/S0002]

    Invalid object name 'DBVERSIONNUMBER'."

I also tried JDBC Driver 3.0... Without success... The ms sql database works perfect as a JDBC data source for ARIS PPM. The ARIS PPM Server works perfect with Oracle Express 10g. Why is the ARIS PPM Server not working with our mssql database? 




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