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We have auser that has a Unisys database. They have SQL access via an ODBC driver only, no JDBC drivers availble.

Is there a simple way to create a MashZone data feed to this database?


by Helmut Barro
Posted on Tue, 04/26/2011 - 09:23

There actually is a simple way, yes - in any MashZone installation you will find a default database driver when creating a database connection, which is the so-called JDBC-ODBC-Bridge. ("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"). With this driver you can connect to ODBC data sources in your environment (which have to be created in advance, of course, via the standard Windows ODBC data source configuration).

Sometimes, depending on the system configuration and the database in question, it may be required that you use a System DSN instead of a User DSN.

The URL would then have the syntax

jdbc:odbc:(your data source name)

Please note that, as this is a very basic and database-independent way of accessing a database, not all features that you may expect may work - a dedicated driver would always be preferable.


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