At the moment I create a summary of "all" ARIS related stuff. In (actual !) helps, documents, etc. I found several models, tools, etc. which appearently do not exist any more or still exist under different names. These are still quite a lot ...
Could you help to categorize them in terms of views and descriptions, tools, concepts, et cetera?
Thank you very much in advance.
- Application Collaboration Diagram (physical) -> new name?
- BPEL Allocation Diagram -> ARIS SOA Architect ?
- BPEL Process -> ARIS SOA Architect ?
- Business Rule Allocation Diagram -> Business Rules Designer ?
- Business Rule Architecture Diagram -> Business Rules Designer ?
- Composite Schedule -> ?
- Data Warehouse Model -> ARIS BI Modeler ?
- Defense Solution (according to NAF (NATO Architecture Framework)) -> o.k. EAM. But more concrete.
- Function Mapping -> ?
- Functions Mapping (Solution Manager) -> ?
- Mapping Model -> ?
- Matrix Model -> There are several models call "Matrix" within ARIS.
- Process Support Map -> ?
- Project Schedule -> ?
- Requirement Allocation Diagram -> Does this belong to RAMS ?
- Requirements Tree -> Does this belong to RAMS ?
- Risk Diagram -> Does this belong to ARIS Risk & Compliance Manager ?
- Ruleflow -> Business Rules Designer ?
- Rulesheet -> Business Rules Designer ?
- Ruletest -> Business Rules Designer ?
- SAP ALE Function Model -> ?
- SAP BW Data Flow Model -> ?
- SAP BW Mapping Multi Provider -> ?
- SAP BW Structure -> ARIS BI Modeler ?
- SAP BW Transformation -> ARIS BI Modeler ?
- SAP Functions Mapping (Solution Manager) -> ?
- Schedule -> ?
- Service Allocation Diagram -> ARIS SOA Architect ?
- Service Architecture Diagram (column display) -> ARIS SOA Architect ?
- Service Architecture Diagram (formerly known as Enterprise Architecture Model) -> ARIS SOA Architect ?
- Service Collaboration Diagram -> ARIS SOA Architect ?
- Swimlane Tree -> ?
- Task Allocation Diagram -> ?
- Technical Terms Model -> ?
- Transformation -> ?
- Transformation Profile Model -> ?
- Value Stream Map -> ?
- Vocabulary -> ?
- Whiteboard -> ?
- Work Breakdown Structure -> ?
- XML Model -> ?