Dear students and professors,
The updated training materials for ARIS Education Package PD&A are out now!
Download the latest ARIS Education Package PDA Training Exercises and corresponding material here:
- ARIS Education Package PD&A Exercises v2.1 for Students
- Databases and other related material (file size ~ 68 MB)
Here are some highlights of the updated material:
1. Databases for the exercises have been rearranged and modified, making them easier to understand and use.
2. Sample solutions available - only for faculty! Download here: ARIS Education Package PD&A Exercises and Solutions v2.1 - only for Faculty
3. New text notations to help understand some sections of the exercise better.
4. Reduced opacity of watermark for better visibility.
The trainings are also available here. With your download request, you´ll recieve the links to the latest material, too.
Please note:
For students and professors who are already using ARIS Education Package PD&A, we kindly request you to download the latest, updated material to be consistent. Thank you.
Please log in or register to have access to this latest material.
Kind regards,
Your University Relations Team