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I am trying to access a file which is stored on our corporate Sharepoint server.  When copying and pasting a shortcut into the data feed:source MZ returns an error:

Unable to load resource "/content/10003665/All%2520Regions/Dashboard%2520data%2520gathering/reporting.xls". PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

and about 500 other lines of error text.

The issue may be that the actual address I am entering is

You can see that the log file has dropped a significant portion of the beginning of the address.

Any suggestions or hints?  Is this enough info to determine if it is a

Mashzone issue

Sharepoint issue

Mashzone user issue accessing Sharepoint

or something else.

Thanks in advance



by Sebastian Stein
Posted on Thu, 08/11/2011 - 08:58

Mmmh, it looks like MashZone is thinking the file is stored in its local web root. So it didn't recognise the string you entered as an URL. Maybe check that you entered the complete URL including https:// etc. But I guess you probably already did that, don't you?

by Donald Dillon Author
Posted on Thu, 08/11/2011 - 14:14


Yes I did check that, full address is in the field.

Any other suggestions?  Is there a field length limit?  Could it truncate from the beginning?




by Markus von den Driesch
Posted on Thu, 08/11/2011 - 17:33


the URL you specifec is HTTPS, so MashZone tries to establish a SSL connection to the Sharepoint server. This connection can not be established.

Are there any firewalls or proxies between MashZone server and Sharepoint which may block that communication or block port 443?


Best regards,


by Donald Dillon Author
Posted on Thu, 08/11/2011 - 18:22

Ok, I have done some Proxy Server admin work and the error message has changed, we are down to 2 lines

Unable to establish connection...

Status  "500 - Internal proxy Error" is returned

My proxy server is set to port 80, not 443 soes that make a difference?



by Thomas Heib
Posted on Fri, 08/12/2011 - 11:05


is it possible that your proxy uses NTLM-Authentication mechanism to authorize the incoming requests? In this fact the https request via proxy from MashZone will fail by reason of not supporting ntlm authentication but only basic authentication.

Since the proxy returns you the "500 - Internal proxy Error" status, you might find some additional information of the error in the proxy logfile.

Kind regards




by Donald Dillon Author
Posted on Mon, 08/15/2011 - 13:49


Yes our Proxy uses NTLM authentication, is there a way to work with/around this?  I have tried basic with my individual username/password but to no avail.

Which logfile on Mashzone would be most useful for analysis?  I have skimmed through them and not found anything meaningful.  Access to logfiles on Sharepoint or proxy servers is difficult, I am not sure if I will be able to get them.




by Thomas Heib
Posted on Tue, 08/16/2011 - 09:52

Hello Donald,

I am afraid you won't succeed to address your sharepoint server via url at the moment due to the fact that NTLM authentication is not supported.

Some workarounds I can imagine are either to mount your sharepoint structure as an webDAV on your local machine or access it via UNC path as a network folder if possible. In booth cases the NTLM authentication would be managed by your local operation system and not by MashZone. The disadvantage of this approach surely is the fact that you can't use personal authentication of your different MashZone users, the NTLM authentication will always be done with the account of the system user.


To your second question, the most significant logfile in this case is the MashZone.log you can found under [your installation root]\system\tomcat\logs receiving technical and functional error messages in the event of something went wrong.






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