Profile picture for user dominr1


I would welcome feedback on a publishing dilemma currently being faced in my organisation. There are times when creating a VACD model, one of the objects is placed underneath other similar objects to demonstrate that it is a supporting activity for all other activities. See attached document.

When publishing the model the 'stretched' object reverts to its original size. Is this to do with the template that is identified in the Export file? Can you customise the template to allow this to happen?

Thank you in advance.


by Abhijit Das
Posted on Fri, 12/16/2011 - 04:47

Hi Russell,

You need to create a profile or modify the existing profile. In ARIS Business Architect View->Options

Click Publisher Export Profiles from left hand side. You will find all the profiles. Edit any existing or create new. Hit next and tick Use Print Scale to keep the scaling how the objects are depicted in the models.

Publish the models with this new/updated profile. It should solve the problem.


Abhijit Das

by Russell Dominey Author
Posted on Fri, 12/16/2011 - 11:06

Many thanks for your response Abhijit.


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