Relatively new to ARIS here. Is there a way to create model versions 1 and 2, and then compare the revisions on v2 to v1?
From the comparison is there a way to report on this? I've tried searching the forum...
Thank you very much!
Relatively new to ARIS here. Is there a way to create model versions 1 and 2, and then compare the revisions on v2 to v1?
From the comparison is there a way to report on this? I've tried searching the forum...
Thank you very much!
yes, ARIS allowes versioning.
Everything is described in the online help. If you start the ARIS Architect, from the ARIS menu or the question mark icon in the upper right side of the application, you can open the help. Choose "Working with ARIS", and in the index list on the left side, search for "Versioning".
There, you find all the information you need, how to create versions and how to compare.