Is it possible to find out which Data Feed is used by which other Data Feed or MashApp (besides doing it manually)?
My problem:
I have copied (via Save as) my MashApp and all 25 Data Feeds used.
The MashApp uses the Data Feeds directly or indirectly. In the MashApp I changed the names of the Data Feeds used directly. And in Data Feeds I changed the names of the used other Data Feeds (via "Source: Data Feed" operators).
Having done that I exported the MashApp and checked which Data Feeds are used. In the export list I found out, that there were "old" Data Feeds exported too. So I still had some old Data Feeds in use, which I forgot to rename.
With some effort I found the "forgotten" Data Feeds too. However a tool to find out where Data Feeds are used, or may be a tool which draws a whole usage diagram would have been useful for me. Is there any kind of support for that? Or is there another way how to copy a MashApp with all its Data Feeds?