Hello all,

I downloaded the latest update (7.2+SR3) and tried to use once again the use-new-output command.

Most of the things works perfectly now but i encountered a new problem that i am hoping one of you could help me.

when i create a table in the document it always on the same size no matter what i do

g_ooutfile.BeginTable(90, Constants.C_BLACK, Constants.C_TRANSPARENT, Constants.FMT_LEFT | Constants.FMT_REPEAT_HEADER, 20);
                         g_ooutfile.TableCell("Field", 20, "Times New Roman", 12, Constants.C_BLACK,vbRgb(255,192,0), 0, Constants.FMT_CENTER| Constants.FMT_VCENTER | Constants.FMT_NOBORDER, 0);
                         g_ooutfile.TableCell("Description", 60, "Times New Roman", 12, Constants.C_BLACK,vbRgb(255,192,0), 0, Constants.FMT_CENTER| Constants.FMT_VCENTER | Constants.FMT_NOBORDER, 0);
                         g_ooutfile.TableCell("Mandatory (yes/No)", 20, "Times New Roman", 12, Constants.C_BLACK,vbRgb(255,192,0), 0, Constants.FMT_CENTER| Constants.FMT_VCENTER | Constants.FMT_NOBORDER, 0);

g_ooutfile.EndTable("",90, "Times New Roman",12,Constants.C_BLACK,Constants.C_BLACK,0,Constants.FMT_LEFT,0);  

I tried to play with the number in the BeginTable/EndTable/TAbleCell commands but nothing changes the size.

Any idea would be highly appreciated,

Thank you very much in advance


by Edwin Verstraeten
Posted on Mon, 04/16/2012 - 14:35

Use the excel output object for this.See script help for a description.

by Gilad Wilk Author
Posted on Thu, 04/19/2012 - 16:03


I'll try, but the output format suppose to be in word.

Thanks for the support,


by Gilad Wilk Author
Posted on Mon, 04/23/2012 - 15:33

Hello again,

I am sorry but i don't understand how i am supposed to use an Excel output object in a Word output format.

Could you please help me a bit on how you meant me to do it?

Thank you very much again,



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