
Could anyone please tell us how to solve the problem mentioned below? We have tried a number of solutions.

ARIS Business Architect 7.2 generates an error message when we execute a test synchronisation with SAP Solution Manager.

Synchronization problem description


The Template database on the SAP Solution Manager side (TPL) and the “Generic Processes database (GP, SSM counterpart on the ARIS side) were in sync as late as the week of 25th february at which time both synchronizations from GP to TPL, and synchronizations from TPL to GP were successfully performed. A laptop with ARIS Architect for SAP 7.2 was used to do this, starting the synchronization from the ARIS production server and synchronizing with the SSM production environment.


In the week of 4th or march, additional content was added to the GP, the source of which is the CRM project database. The additional content includes new SAP Functions, which has valid values in the attributes related to the SAP Logical Component and SAP Function Type. These new SAP Functions generate errors during test synchronizations:

Tue Mar 05 11:25:19 CET 2013 - ERROR: Element 'Scenario Inspection Management' was skipped because this object has no occurrences or only has occurrences (in EPC models) using specific symbol types that will be ignored during synchronization.

Tue Mar 05 11:30:05 CET 2013 - ERROR: Element 'Process step Create BW Query' was skipped because this object has no occurrences or only has occurrences (in EPC models) using specific symbol types that will be ignored during synchronization.

Tue Mar 05 11:30:05 CET 2013 - ERROR: Element 'Process step Create Marketing Attribute Set' was skipped because this object has no occurrences or only has occurrences (in EPC models) using specific symbol types that will be ignored during synchronization.

Tue Mar 05 11:39:41 CET 2013 - ERROR: Element 'Process step Open Opportunity Reports' was skipped because this object has no occurrences or only has occurrences (in EPC models) using specific symbol types that will be ignored during synchronization.

The scenario “Inspection Management” is a new Scenario in the synchronization VACD. Our effort in pinpointing the source of the error has been focussed on the Process steps mentioned in the error log. These Process steps are an addition to an existing EPC, which is already in-sync (the related Process and Scenario are also in-sync).

The following checks (and results) were performed:

  • SAP Server settings were examined, including the method configuration settings. These settings contained the correct information. (This was checked before the initial test-sync as part of our procedures, and rechecked for error-checking).
  • The attributes of the new SAP Functions were examined, and compared to a SAP Function that was already in-sync. Only expected deviations were found (even when comparing all attributes with the Entire Method), such as no SAP-ID, Synchronization Project, and Synchronization Project Type attributes.
  • The symbol type and default symbol types were examined, and compared to a SAP Function that was already in-sync. The symbol type and default symbol type were both of type ‘SAP Function” (symbol number 829).
  • Of the EPC that contained a new SAP Function, the new SAP Function was temporarily removed from the EPC. A limited-scope test-sync was performed, which completed with no errors.
  • A brand-new SAP Function was added to this EPC, and properly configured with valid SAP Function Type and SAP Logical Component attributes. A new limited-scope test-sync was performed, which aborted with the same error.
  • The database was copied (backup & restore) to the LOCAL server. The SAP synchronization settings were configured and a partial test-sync was performed. This completed with no errors. A full test-sync was performed, this also completed with no errors.
  • The database was restored to the Acceptance environment. The SAP synchronization settings were confirmed and a partial test-sync was performed, which aborted with the same error message.
  • On another laptop, that was used for the synchronization one week earlier, a test-sync was performed from the production environment. This aborted with the same error message.
  • No changes, either in configuration or user permissions, have been made to the SAP Solution Manager or Template project since the last successful synchronizations.

The error message gives no additional clues to the cause:

Clue #1: “was skipped because this object has no occurrences”: The object has one occurrence, in the EPC that is already in-sync, as a SAP Function (default symbol) and SAP Function (object symbol). The object is visible, the user has sufficient privileges (system user), and the filter has sufficient privileges (Entire Method).

Clue #2: “or only has occurrences (in EPC models) using specific symbol types that will be ignored during synchronization.“: The symbol types (both as default symbol type, as object symbol type) is SAP Function (both symbol id 829) is defined as a SAP Function that is in scope for synchronization. We are unaware of ARIS settings that modify this functionality (ie either mark symbol types in- or out of scope for synchronization). No attributes differences were identified between the new SAP Function and an in-sync SAP Function.


  • What causes this error message to be displayed, given the situation described above
  • How can this be resolved for both the production and acceptance environments?
  • Why are both production and acceptance affected, and is a LOCAL server unaffected by the cause of this error message?

Thank you very much in advance for helping us out!

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