I finally have my ARIS 7.2 and my MashZone 2.2 (Pro) environments up and running and I am excited to begin creating MashUps of my process model data.  I am attempting to access scheduled reports located on the ARIS Business Server. Both the ARIS Business Server and MashZone are installed on the same Windows 2008 x64 server with TCP Port 7071 open.

I have verified that the MashZone link is pasted (from ARIS 7.2 "MashZone link") in correctly into my MS Excel file data source. The default user and password has been used, which also has access to the Business Server.

I receive the following error:

Unable to establish connection to resource "http://<servername>:7071/aris/services/mashZone/04f20c50-5bdc-11e1-49bd-f4e0ca99ad42". Status "500 - Internal Server Error" is returned.

At first I assumed that it was a firewall issue but after opening up the firewall entirely I am still receiving the error.

Do you have any suggestions as to where I could further troubleshoot my lack of connectivity to the Business Server from my MashZone data feed?



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