Anyone can advise how to disable the printing function in ARIS business publisher? Thanks in advance.
Anyone can advise how to disable the printing function in ARIS business publisher? Thanks in advance.
It would also be nice to know if this same functionality, disable the ability to print, is also available within ARIS Business Designer.
Hello, easy to disable printing : open file :model\toolbarConfig.jsp in text editor find the folowing code :{ id: "toolbar_print", append: "append", activeImgSrc: jsVars.imgPath + "/icons/mini_print.gif", inactiveImgSrc: jsVars.imgPath + "/icons/mini_print_g.gif", clickAction: function(){printModel(jsVars.modelID, jsVars.viewKey);}, activated: true, label: $.director.getProperty("BP.mod_gfx.print.DBT") }
2 options :
- change the value true to false (printer icon will become grey)
- comment the code with /* */ (printer will no be longer visible)