Which databases are available in ARIS Cloud Basic (Beginner, Intermediate, Expert) or maybe all of them?
Which databases are available in ARIS Cloud Basic (Beginner, Intermediate, Expert) or maybe all of them?
You are saying that all models and symbols that are available in free trial edition of ARIS Cloud are available in ARIS Cloud Basic?
All these symbols in Expert database that I see when I use trial ARIS Cloud version are also available in ARIS Cloud Basic?
Yes, the free trial version is ARIS Cloud Basic, so the functionality is the same.
Can you tell me then what standard process design and standard modeling conventions features in ARIS Cloud Basic exactly mean?
I also have a problem with exporting models in XML format from free trial version of ARIS Cloud Basic. Is it possible to export models in XML format from Basic version whenever you want?
Hi Johann,
Please have a look here for more information about the modeling features: http://ariscloud.com/modeling.htm
Standard modeling notations are Event-Driven Process Chain (EPC) and Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN).
If you want to know about the detailed features I recommend to watch our video tutorials or just play with the trial version. You .can also have a look at the help files.
XML Export is possible with ARIS Cloud Advanced and ARIS Cloud Enterprise, not with Basic.
Basic offers BPMN export.
I followed this instruction http://www.ariscommunity.com/users/suewatson28/2015-01-12-export-bpmn-model-xml
but this option BPMN export isn't allowed to me. I can lock or unlock model, but this third option isn't available. I am trying to export EPC model. You mean that in ARIS Cloud Basic I can not export EPC models, I can only export BPMN models?
I noticed that with ARIS Cloud Basic edition when you want to download (export) your database you have to contact inbox@ariscloud.com to start the download service. Are there any limitations regarding this service? Will I be able to contact inbox@ariscloud.com whenever I want to download my database files, or this service-based export will be allowed only from time to time?
You can contact inbox@ariscloud.com any time as long as you have an active account. Note: After your account has expired databases will only be saved for 30 further days. But, you can request a backup during this time.