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Is there a way to prevent users from being able to rename an object when it is an occurrence copy of something they do not have responsibility for?  For example, if I define all the companies organizational groups, roles, positions, etc. within an organization chart (all located in a separate organization folder/group), then all other users create occurrence copies of these objects within their models, is there a way to prevent those users from changing the name of the group, roles, positions, etc. within their model?  It would be nice if these type of objects could only have their name changed in the master organizational chart model (with those changes propagating out to all the occurrence copies) and nowhere else.

by John A. Picchioni Author
Posted on Fri, 04/13/2012 - 14:28

OK, I may have just found the answer to my own question, but would like it confirmed if possible.  It appears that if I only give read permission for most user to the organization folder/group, the users will be able to use objects from that group in their model, but they will not be able to change the name of the object as they do not have write access to the folder/group.

by Rick Bosworth
Posted on Mon, 04/16/2012 - 21:00


Yes, you answered your own question. Object security is usually managed by folder level security. Llibrary folders get created for various reusable objects based on ownership.




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