The download works just fine, but when I go to run ARIS Express to launch the install wizard I keep getting the error message "Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file.  You may not have the appropriate permissions to access this item."  I've tried resetting the properties to allow access with no luck.  Any suggestions?

by John Tonne Author
Posted on Thu, 05/30/2013 - 16:58

Went back and uninstalled Java 7 and installed Java 6.  Still getting the same message.  I have tried to reset all of the permissions.  Obviously I'm missing something.  I've tried doing the windows install and the non-windows install.  Neither one works.  I've checked my Java settings - no problems there.  Any ideas?

by John Tonne Author
Posted on Fri, 05/31/2013 - 00:39

Back doored the registration process.  I installed the non-windows version on my desktop.  It would not let me launch the software or let me register.  Kept getting an error message. Neither approach to launching the system would allow me to get to the registration process or install wizard.

One of my colleagues sent me an ARIS diagram.  I attempted to open the diagram and when I did the software registration process launched with no errors.  I run windows 7, Java 6 and IE 8.

Hope this helps someone else.

by Frank Weyand
Posted on Fri, 05/31/2013 - 09:07


about the message "Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access this item":

The installation was hindered by windows. Maybe this article from microsoft helps you:





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