One of my users has deleted a model and would like it restored. I know I can use a backup to restore but don't want to do a complete restore, only the model. Is there a way to do this or is it the entire restore option only? TIA
Best Reply
Hello Kirstie,
first you would need to restore the db under a new name from your backup archive (*.adb file). This cannot be done with Aris Architect, but the Aris Server Administrator client on your server
has this syntax: restore <path\to\archivefile.adb> <dbname>
Then you can merge a selected model from your restored db to the model repository.
For other Aris Cloud flavours see How to restore a database in ARIS Advanced
Regards, Martin
4 Replies
Hello Kirstie,
first you would need to restore the db under a new name from your backup archive (*.adb file). This cannot be done with Aris Architect, but the Aris Server Administrator client on your server
has this syntax: restore <path\to\archivefile.adb> <dbname>
Then you can merge a selected model from your restored db to the model repository.
For other Aris Cloud flavours see How to restore a database in ARIS Advanced
Regards, Martin
Hello Alexander,
Architect cannot restore the db under a new name from your backup archive (*.adb file) in one go, only arisadmin can.
Regards, Martin
Hi Martin,
You can rename the file and then restore it in Architect ) anyway, it is a question of preferences