Im a begineer here
How to use recursion in script just give basic example
Thanks in advance.
Im a begineer here
How to use recursion in script just give basic example
Thanks in advance.
Hi Krishna,
Can you give an example of what you mean? Like, what do you want to do?
Hello veronica
I'm begineer here
I have one assignment on function tree and I'm attching the output in image ,my trainer says tht you have to use recursion to achive output so please can you help me
Thanks in advance
Hi Krishna,
Thanks for the example. Unfortunately, I still don't quite understand your task.
Just a few assumptions:
- you want to start your skript on a folder
- then all function trees that are available in that folder shall be listed
- to all of your function trees you want to to have a sub-ordinate relationship exported to xls(x)
If my assumptions are correct, I would use the query functionality. This is the easiest way to solve your task- is it this what you were looking for? You can then simply copy and paste the results to excel.
Actually my assignment is
Q-Write a script to searches for function tree models in a group and displays all the functions of the models in certain format, it also considers assigned models to the functions in excel format
so just copy paste is not allowed