I've created a report without considering the limitations for the Business Publisher.
I know the ARIS Script Help indicates available methods, but I don't want to lookup every single method.
Aren't there errormessages with linenumbers and/or methodnames?
Couldn't find informations in the logs (...ARIS7.1\BPServer\tomcat\logs or ...ARIS7.1\BPServertomcat\webappsbusinesspublisher\log).
finally I'm able to run the report without errormessages in the business publisher.
Unfortunatly I'm still not able to display the result. I get the page-not-found error (HTTP 404).
Indeed there is no file created in the publisher's export folder, although the report runs succesfully.
Other reports run without problems, so I guess it's not the firewall, but I don't know where the difference is...
May the user rights be the problem? Are there any settings I have to take care of?
Does anybody have an idea?
Thanks in advance!