
I am sorry, but there is something which is a little bit confusing for me.

We examine and use Aris-Express (2.3).

My interest is to find out the price of Aris-Express.

I have expected to find a price of the full-version of Aris-Express.

(The 'get the full-version' within Aris-Express shows some products)

I found a lot of Aris-related products on


So I get a little bit confused, because what I found was not what I expected to find.

Within the Aris-Express we use mainly the 'Business process model' and the 'BPMN'.

The site


shows models which are used in different Aris-products

Okay. This helps a little bit.

Well, so we need products which are include in

...are available in

- ARIS Business Architect & Designer,

- ARIS IT Architect & Designer,

- ARIS SOA Architect & Designer

- ARIS Business Architect for SAP.


The reason of my question is that we need an html-export. This must be part of the product.

Please could someone enlighten me:

Which (commercial) Aris-product can be used (bought) under the following restrictions:

- BPMN must be available

- html-Export must be available

- 'Business process model' (Geschäftsprozess) must be available.

A nice add-on would be to to know the price (or a price list)

Kind regards



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