
Someone can send me any document about how to create ARIS Scripts. I need some language manual, the help is not good and it doesn't have any example. I need simple examples to start working with MACROS.

Best regards and thanks in advance.

by Olaf Geyer
Posted on Mon, 01/05/2009 - 00:00

You can look into some of the existing reports and macros. Otherwise there are just too many diffrent things you can do. We also provide training in report writing.

by Dennis Cheung
Posted on Thu, 02/05/2009 - 00:00


Someone can send me any document about how to create ARIS Scripts. I need some language manual, the help is not good and it doesn't have any example. I need simple examples to start working with MACROS.

Best regards and thanks in advance.[/quote]

The best way to start with ARIS Scripting is having a good knowledge of Java. The JavaDoc help inside ARIS contains all the API to write the code and contains sufficient information to start a macro. You can also open/edit existing Macros to get an general understanding of the structure.

by Levin Brunner
Posted on Mon, 02/15/2010 - 15:42

Can anybody tell me how to view a existing macro as recommended? In the Business Architect this throws the message "Opening script XXX is not allowed"...

Is there anywhere an example available?


Best regards,


Levin Brunner


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