Hi, my team is working to release the Aris Business Publisher in the next few months to our organization.
We’re still working in test environment and currently we’re customizing layout and functionalities to our needs.
So far we’ve worked on an export obtained with no filters applied, anyway we’re starting “playing” with evaluation filters in order to customize the attributes we want to be displayed.
In our tests everything seems fine except for the “Find” section within whom any search is impossible.
The results obtained is “Search index creation is in progress. Therefore, the search could not be performed”.
The export has been active for a couple of days, I suppose that any indexation activity should be completed by now.
In our main export (which is active too and has no filters applied) the search function is working fine.

Anyone has experienced the same problem? Is there any relationship to be taken in consideration among the search function and the evaluation filter used during the export?

Thanks in advance for any suggestion.

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