We’re currently customizing our ABP in order to enhance the contents available in our models.
In particular we’re trying to modify the layouts of the “Details” area in order to have control on how information are displayed.
In doing so we’re facing some problems in how attributes and objects shall be refered to in the obj_inf.jsp script.
Currently our export has the following language combinations:
First language Combination: Italian (Italy)
Database language: Italian (Italy)
Interface language: Italian (Italy)
Method Language: Italian (Italy)
Second language Combination: English (United States)
Database language: English (United States)
Interface language: Italian (Italy)
Method Language: Italian (Italy)
According to the help section, the method language option defines the “language in which all ARIS Method names are displayed, regardless of the interface and database language.
For example, if you have selected English (United States), method names, such as the names of attribute types, model types, connection types, and object types, etc., are displayed in English. In contrast, the attribute values you have specified are displayed in the selected database language.To my understanding.”
To my understanding this means that we should be able to refer to attributes in our scripts with their Italian name, while actually this is not the case (once the Italian language is selected, attribute values are displayed in italian while their names are displayed in english).
We’ve also a second ABP export which has just a single language (Italian) and in this case attribute names are displayed as expected (i.e. in Italian).
Can someone please clarify me how the “language combinations” options actually work or how we can refer to attributes in a way that is not influenced by the language selected?
Thank you very much!
Problem solved.
The above configuration was obtained by editing the languages combination in an existing Publisher export. For a certain reason in that export the method language seemed to remain the same (English) independently from the changes made in the wizard.
I’ve made a new Publisher export from scratch with the same settings and the method language is now correct for each language combination.