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I did use Aris Express with Java 7u5 on 64bit Ubuntu System for months.

Due to reasons related to somwhere els I upgraded to Java 7u5 64bit. A few days later when I again started Aris I first wasn't able to open any diagramm. There wasn't an excpetion which I could post here. 

The suddenly Aris confronted me with a message that Aris has been updated (was already 2.3) and I should restart now and if I wanted to do that now. Well, I said yes and from now on I was confornted with an Exception like this:

ARIS konnte nicht gestartet werden. Beim Einrichten der Serverumgebung ist ein Fehler aufgetreten.

com.idsscheer.aris.server.common.ASystemProperties.getProperty(Unknown Source)

com.idsscheer.aris.server.launcher.AArisLauncher.initJavaLibraryPath(Unknown Source)

com.idsscheer.aris.server.launcher.AArisLauncher.<init>(Unknown Source)



com.idsscheer.aris.expresslauncher.AExpressLauncher$ Source). 

I could start Aris from the Java web start application but then I wasn't able to save any diagrams. My efforts to do so whre denied by a nullpointer exception.

I then deleted my two Aris Express folders emptied webstart cache and installed Aris from scratch. I tried this a few times and never was able to successfuly run Aris. It then came to my mind, that I upgraded Java. So I downgraded back to 7u3 and Aris is running smoothly again now.

So something is  amiss with Aris 2.3 and Java 7u5 at least in combination with Ubuntu systems, which is 1204 in my case.

Just wanted to report.

Thx for the tool!


by m p Author
Posted on Fri, 07/20/2012 - 12:39

Ah well, first line sould be

"I did use Aris Express with Java 7u3 on 64bit Ubuntu System for months."

Sorry for that...


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