As I asked in an older question, is there any way of quickly analyzing what connections are possible for what object types (and in which model types in the current filter)? Scanning/searching through the full almost 6k pages Method Reference PDF isn't exactly a fun ride. 

For instance, I want to check how you can map different Zachman level data/information models to each other. What connections are present for Entity Types? I can find no way of seeing it in the Method administration; for Filter, I only get what is currently enabled in each model type, not what is possible to enable.Searching the PDF gives me 1500 hits: it took me quite a while. 

by M. Zschuckelt
Posted on Wed, 03/16/2022 - 22:44

Hello Pontus,

the sky is the limit. What you see in the PDF is what the current Entire Method holds in store for you. When you open a particular model type in the method configuration you can filter for source symbol, target symbol or connection type - and a combination of those.

If there is any connection type missing between two symbols that you need, you can add it.

If you are into scripting you could also write a report that examines the metamodel. The class ArisMetaModel has got a lot of methods in store for you that allow to examine the metamodel in more ways than the UI has to offer.


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