When i try to start ARIS server ,it doesnt work.
Got below error in the ARISCloudAgent.log file
ERROR : Problem reading runnable confiuration from backup file C\.........\runnables.cfg.bak
also Agent configuration file C\...\runnable.cfg and backup invalid. Agent cannot startup properly.
Can you please guide what to check on further to make agent up and running.
Hi Poonam,
On the log says that was unable to read the files on these directories:
...ConfigurationException: Unable to read runnable configuration from C:\SoftwareAG\ARIS10.0\server\bin\.\config\runnable_octopus_m.cfg
...Problem reading runnable configuration from backup file C:\SoftwareAG\ARIS10.0\server\bin\.\runnables.cfg.bak.
...Agent configuration file C:\SoftwareAG\ARIS10.0\server\bin\.\runnables.cfg and backup invalid. Agent cannot startup properly.
then I provided in attached the missed files please on the file 'runnable_octopus_m.cfg' adjust all directory line to keep as your system.
Please all on the indicated directories above and try to start the runnables again, and please also check the agent.error.log for more details.
rename runnable_octopus_m.txt to runnable_octopus_m.cfg.bak
rename runnables.txt to runnables.cfg.bak
rename runnables.cfg.txt runnables.cfg