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I work in an IT company and got ARIS Express 2.4 installed yesterday in my system(Windows 7 OS). It worked for the first time immediately after installation. However, when I tried to boot the application today, it fails to work. It shows me the message that the application is unavailable offline and needs to connect to internet. Then it attempts to download the content. Since, I work with limited privileges which restrict me to download any content on my office system, the ARIS express software fails to boot.

I have attached the file which shows the various messages I receive. This might help to explain you the situation better

I request you to please suggest a suitable solution soon

by Frank Weyand
Posted on Thu, 03/28/2013 - 14:33


there are quite some reasons causing this error.

Generally, in the case you have a windows system, please use the windows executable setup.

In case of having another system, e.g. apple or unix/linux, please empty the webstart cache and restart downloading the software.




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