I would like to create new objects from excel, where some attribute values are pre-defined beside the name of the objects (like identifier, link, description, etc).
How can I do it?
Thanks for your help in advance.
I would like to create new objects from excel, where some attribute values are pre-defined beside the name of the objects (like identifier, link, description, etc).
How can I do it?
Thanks for your help in advance.
if not present I would vote for such a feature ;-)
Best regards
Hello Rita,
there is a standard report for that. Actually there are 2. One report ("Create template for data import") writes an (empty) Excel template to your disk. You fill it in with your data and with the second report ("Import data in Excel format") you import the whole stuff in one go. It can also create heaps of models for you, if you like. There is some documentation in the template, how to fill it in and there is a chapter in ARIS Help about it.
I recommend testing the result first in another database and when you are satisfied, do the real thing. You have to execute the reports in the context of a group, where the data is to be imported (for template creation the selected group is irrelevant).
Regards, M. Zschuckelt
Hi m-zschuckelt
where can i find the documentation which describe how to fill template!