
I want to include original name of the model type in mode status overview report. I was looking at the script and I want to add the column. Can you please tell me the constant for original base model name because all models all derived from original model type. The report has Model Name, Model Type and I need to add another column to include Original Name (base model type name). Is there a property called OriginalName in Model object. 

        oOut.TableCell(oModel.Name(g_nLoc), 20, getString("FONT"), 10, Constants.C_BLACK, getTableCellColor_AttrBk(bColored), 0, Constants.FMT_LEFT | Constants.FMT_VTOP | Constants.FMT_EXCELMODIFY, 0);
        oOut.TableCell(oModel.Type(), 20, getString("FONT"), 10, Constants.C_BLACK, getTableCellColor_AttrBk(bColored), 0, Constants.FMT_LEFT | Constants.FMT_VTOP | Constants.FMT_EXCELMODIFY, 0);

Thanks in advance

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