Hi everyone

i am  new at ARIS, I am working on BPM models in a company,

I wanna give a process id for every model,

does aris give a uniq number for any model?  if it gives how could i see the number or uniq key


thank you


by Veronika Ellermann
Badge for 'Supporter' achievement
Posted on Wed, 12/28/2022 - 09:44


Every model has a unique "GUID". Are you using ARIS Connect or the Architect?



by Rowdy Liesker
Posted on Wed, 12/28/2022 - 12:14

The other (simple) option is probably using the Identifier field (Attribute name AT_ID). This will create a sequential unique number as well. It will not do any fancy numbering per process though.

It can be set in de database properties of either Architect or Connect.

by M. Zschuckelt
Posted on Wed, 01/04/2023 - 11:38


Veronika and Rowdy are just right. Virtually anything in ARIS has got a GUID, i.e. a 128 bit hexadecimal identifier by which an object (in the broadest sense: models, objects, filters, templates, attribute types, enum values...) can be identified for all times even after name changes. That is used, when you merge content from one database to another in order to distinguish the changed content from new content.

If you are more interested in human readable identifiers, go for Rowdy's suggestion. Experience shows that with such numbering schemes for processes and the like you eventually get the use-case "renumbering", when you do changes in your database structure and you followed a "meaningful" numbering strategy reflecting hierarchy positions such as "1.7.2". ARIS only supports you in keeping the ID attribute unique across your database. How you actually use it is up to you.


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