Tasks are created in ARIS Connect and appear in a user's Task List. It is possible to filter the task list according to Status (see screen shot); there are various status values but only one may be selected for the filter.
After operating for some time, the most obvious filter for a user is "show me everything that has not been completed". I can see how to filter for all the open items but only by using one status code at a time; using the filter multiple times is slow and inefficient.
I cannot see how to create the 'everything not completed' filter.
Can anyone help?
Thanks, Simon
Hi Simon,
There is yet no such possibility to filter for all non-completed tasks.
The filtering works like this since a long time, and I never heard about such a requirement.
To me, the more valuable filter is the "Tasks to be edited" filter, which includes at least all tasks with status like "new" and "in progress"