Question related to something in filter/aris method:

I have two Application System Type Objects, ASTA   and AST B.

I place both in an Application Collaboration Diagram.

I make a relation of type "transmits data to"   between ASTA and ASTB.

I make a second relation of type "transmits data to"   between ASTA and ASTB. ARIS (10, fat client) asks if I want a new connection role. Works fine - I can have two transmits data to with different connection roles.

Now, I try the same with a relation of type 'calls' (AT_CALLS_1)  between ASTA and ASTB. Works fine.

However, if I try a second relation of type 'calls' in the same direction between ASTA and ASTB - ARIS does not allow me to do so. The relation 'calls' is grayed out, with a marker in a checkbox.

This is a behavior I do not want. According to the ARIS metamodel, both 'transmits data to' and 'calls' have a Unique in number of connections. Any idea of how I enable multiple 'calls' relations between to Application System Types?

mvh Lars

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