Do you know if it is possible to create ARIS reports to generate excel output with spanned rows/columns.
Thank you,
Hm okay, to merge the cells you need to know if the object types are the same. Then you can use the method below and say start from cell1 to cell1+i:
addRegion ( int p_nFromColumn, int p_nToColumn, int p_nFromRow, int p_nToRow )
The method "addRegion" creates a new region of merged cells and returns it. I'm not sure if it works I found it in the help;-).
Thanks Eva, I will try that too, however, I found one of your posts actually did this but could not see anywhere in the code actually did the merge.
any idea?
Hi Sam,
Please have a look at the class below:
BeginTable ( int p_iWidthPercent, List widthsPercent, int p_BorderColor, int p_BkColor, int p_Format, int p_iIndent )
Starts output of a table.
Tip: In Excel output format, this creates a new worksheet.
var File = Context.createOutputObject(); var colWidthList = new java.util.ArrayList(); colWidthList.add(25); colWidthList.add(25); colWidthList.add(25); colWidthList.add(25); File.BeginTable(100, colWidthList, Constants.C_BLACK,Constants.C_WHITE,Constants.FMT_LEFT | Constants.FMT_ITALIC,0); File.TableRow(); File.TableCell(" this is the text of cell 1 ",1,1,"Arial",10,Constants.C_BLACK,Constants.C_WHITE,0,Constants.FMT_CENTER,0); File.TableCell(" this is the text of cell 2 ",1,2,"Arial",10,Constants.C_BLACK,Constants.C_WHITE,0,Constants.FMT_CENTER,0); File.TableCell(" this is the text of cell 3 ",1,1,"Arial",10,Constants.C_BLACK,Constants.C_WHITE,0,Constants.FMT_CENTER,0); File.EndTable("TESTSHEET1",100, "Arial",10,Constants.C_BLACK,Constants.C_BLACK,0,Constants.FMT_LEFT | Constants.FMT_ITALIC,0);
Table, left aligned, with one row and four columns.
The second column ranges from second to third column.
Francois du Toit