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I have a report which runs at a model context.
On running on aris business architect or designer it takes around a minute and executes fine.
While executing on ABP it gives an error
"Could not get model context for model id = some id" and d reprort terminates.
This error comes in stdout.log of tomcat server.

My session timeout setting in web.xml is 30 minute and its equivalent in mille seconds as connection timeout in server. Xml

Please suggests what could be the casue and how can I fix this.

by Ariene Kroeze
Posted on Mon, 12/02/2013 - 09:36


Can you send us the script?


by Yubhesh Chaudhari
Posted on Mon, 12/02/2013 - 22:02

can you please send script to me also, I also want to see why this error is coming?


by Sunil Oza Author
Posted on Wed, 12/04/2013 - 03:54

Thanks for your reply.
Sending the scrip won't be possible as it for a client.

Can you please suggests what is this error and what could be the cause.

by Venky Prabhu
Posted on Wed, 12/04/2013 - 09:32

Dear Sunil,
You could abstract out all propreitary information such as names of the database or organization specific information, from the script. You see without the script to refer to, the best we could do is to give you generic possibilities of what may be going wrong. Check with your IT security team, as to how much you can actually share. Does that work?
- Venky

by Sunil Oza Author
Posted on Thu, 12/05/2013 - 05:08

Is it possible to implement a logger in the script which will write output to a file so we ca ttrace the execution result how this can be
Done in aris

by Sunil Oza Author
Posted on Tue, 12/24/2013 - 08:34

I have managed to find the cause for this error.
On publisher 7.1 for the graphical objects of type polygon the getX and getY methods are not available.
I had to change the logic in my script and now it works fine.


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