We've an enviroment witn ARIS7.0 and W2k3, now we are going to migrate this enviroment to other one with W2k12
We're making the study for the migration, but I'm not finding the ARIS Server Installation and Administration Guide for 9.8 version.
Actually we've installed:
- ARIS Business Server,
- ARIS Business Publisher Server
- ARIS Client
The web browser is the IIS, and the BBDD is an Oracle DB
Could you give me the lynk to download the documentation?
You need an Empower account on https://empower.softwareag.com/. After you are logged in, then you could use this shortcut to access the ARIS product documentation: http://documentation.softwareag.com/aris/index.htm
As alternative to downloading one or more PDF files, you could download the complete ARIS product documentation https://aris.softwareag.com.