Profile picture for user Venky-RIL

We are currently using VACDs, EPCs and FADs to model our Business Processes. We also have modelled Unique Job Positions and Org Units in an Organization Chart. The Position Objects and the Org Unit Objects make their way into individual FADs to denote RACI relationships. Recently a new requirement has popped up which has us stumped.

Here is the challenge:

Our Business Process utilizes some raw materials to generate certain product (Primary and Secondary By-product). The By-products may also be input for another downstream process which in turn further creates more by-products and so on and so forth. What we eventually get from an End-to-end viewpoint is a hierarchy of products and sub-products and an evolution of the product from Raw Material to Finished products with multiple by-products along the way.

We want to model this in ARIS and integrate it with our EPCs, to meet two objectives:

1. Create a single view of the Product evolution (A sort of a tree-structure)

2. Connect the "product" objects in our FADs, to get a process-oriented view


Can someone please reccommend an appropriate Model type and object type that we should use to model this Product "break-down"?


by Amol Patil
Posted on Fri, 02/08/2013 - 10:36

Hi venky,

There are two model types

1. Product/Service view -> "Product Tree" model type

2. Process view -> "Product/Service Tree" model type

I am not sure about the actual view difference between these two, but use of 2nd type (Product/Service tree) makes more sense and gives you more modeling options. You can connect the Product/Service objects from these models in EPC or FADs.

Hope this helps you.


Amol Patil

by Venky Prabhu Author
Posted on Fri, 02/08/2013 - 11:40

Hi Amol,

Thanks for your response. I will try this out and revert in case I have any specific queries.



by Miglen Ivanov
Posted on Mon, 08/19/2013 - 14:29

Hello, may I present this:

by Venky Prabhu Author
Posted on Tue, 08/20/2013 - 07:01

Hi Mr. Ivanov,

I truly appreciate you sharing this sample model for a product  breakdown. Could you please help me with the following details:

1. Model type used (Is this "Product Tree"?)

2. Object type used (I am assuming it is "Product" or "Product / Service")

3. Relationship type created between the objects within the model. What other options are available?


Thanks much,



by Miglen Ivanov
Posted on Tue, 08/20/2013 - 14:09

I'm not aware of what can give you. I myself wonder and hope to find out.

by Ronald Jones
Posted on Mon, 09/16/2013 - 12:42

Try having 3D charting tools with support of HTML5.


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