Hi All,
Sitting with a problem. Doing an ARIS upgrade for a client, ARIS 7 to ARIS 9.8.7. The database was backed up from ARIS 7 to a local machine.
Started restoring the database (700Mb<), and due to a network error, the restore stopped.
The following day, when trying to restore the database, an ARIS error occurs, informing me that the database already exists, but obviously I can't see it in ARIS.
The client is using SQL 2008 R2.
Any ideas how to resolve this?
you need the admintool to delete the database, since it is not visible due to the fact that it is not "completely" imported.
Using the admin tool, with command "list all", you can see all databases.
There will be a database with the state "restoring" having a database name with a GUID identifier.
You need to delete the database with :
delete "<database name including id>" force
where as <database name including id> is you database name with the identified, which means everything until the value of the "kind" column.