
When I try downloading "ARIS Cloud for Students" I get sent an e-mail.  When I click or use the link it does not work. I get the message "Invalid signature or link expired!" on the shop.ariscloud.com site. And I tried to submit the application again and got a new link, but it didn't work also. 

Please could someone assist or give advice.



by Shalini Akula
Posted on Tue, 03/09/2021 - 08:07

Dear Yudi,

The link didn't work because the link might be already used by some automated link checking mechanisms.

Can you please send an email to shalini.akula@softwareag.com so that we can share a new link to Cloud shop.

Please write back to me in case of further questions.

With Kind regards,

Shalini Akula


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