Profile picture for user VladoB

Hi all,

I work in ARIS 7.1 and I want to try ARIS 7.2 (client / server)

Are there any problems to have 2 ARIS server versions (7.1 and 7.2) as 2 windows services on 1 Windows server? Do you have any experiences with this?


by Abhijit Das
Posted on Sat, 11/26/2011 - 15:59

Hi Vladimir,

Although we do not have it any more but I configured and managed ARIS 7.0 and ARIS 7.1 from same server at the same time. Considering you are connecting to two different database instances there should not be any problem. You need to make sure you have enough RAM in the server:).

But the question I would be asking why you want to run two versions. is it because of the config conflict or something else? Based on my experience I would say it is easier to mage it from one version from governance perspective.


Abhijit Das


by Vladimir Bis Author
Posted on Sat, 11/26/2011 - 18:16

Hi Abhijit,

we work actually with version 7.1 and I'm going to test version 7.2


by Francois Du Toit
Posted on Mon, 11/28/2011 - 08:54

Hi Vladimir,

When you run the setup with version 7.2, it picks up your 7.1 version and updates it. I unfortunately do not have a work around to this, so as far as I have it you can not have both on the same system.

If you do find a work around, please post it here.

Thank you,

Francois du Toit

by Vladimir Bis Author
Posted on Mon, 11/28/2011 - 14:33

Hi Abhijit,

would you be so kind to explain me briefly what is "governance perspective"? I continue again work with ARIS after 2,5 years and I don't know about "governance"...I suppose that this is new feature.

Thank you



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