Profile picture for user lbondon

Hi there,

I have a text field (and in the future a picture) on my mashapp that is linked to a table which gives a list of users.

By default, nobody is selected in the table BUT, the text shows one of the user.


My will would be that the field text is empty when nobody is selected. A work around may be if I could decide which name appears in it.

But I am sure you know a way to avoid having something selected... Don't you ?


Thank you in advance for your help



by Christian Neu
Posted on Fri, 09/03/2010 - 15:55

You could try the "Use Selection" function in assign data.

Just filter your desired field and connect in "use selection" the default value you wish to display.


I hope I could help you.

Best regards,



by Laurent Bondon Author
Posted on Tue, 09/07/2010 - 10:26


Thank you for your help.

OK, I did not know that field.

Not sure to understand how it should be used. Is the only interest the default value ?

As said initially the mid term objective was to have a defaut picture when nothing was selected and to have the picture when somebody was selected.

If the table does not contain the column "picture" with the path of the picture, is it feasible ?

I manage to make it working with the column "picture" added to the table but without it, I'm stucked. Any idea ?


by Luis Rolo
Posted on Thu, 09/09/2010 - 14:01


Well... I would use a somewhat non-linear solution, but I believe to do the trick.

I would create a selection box and hide it behind the image. That selection box would have two fields – the User ID and the picture path (hidden). You could then set the default selection to be an empty User ID and the default picture path.

Then you would set the table’s User ID as the filter for the selection box, and the selection box’s picture path as the URL for the image, by using the ‘Use Selection’ option on the image.

Hope it helps.

Best regards,

Luis Rolo

by Laurent Bondon Author
Posted on Fri, 09/10/2010 - 14:41

I had difficulties to manage that with the selection box.

But I guess this would work with a table in which the field is also added.

This sounds like work around...

Taht will do.

Thank you for your help !



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