I have never been able to open Aris Express. I downloaded it afresh this morning, and the installation was successful. However, when I double-click the icon on my desktop, I get a quick view of "Java 6 ..." and after that nothing else happens. My operating system is Windows Vista.

Can anyone assist? I checked the FAQ, but could not find a similar problem.

Incidently, if I click on the "Open Location" option, it takes me to the point as can be seen in the attachment.

Kind regards, Carol

File attachments
by Sebastian Stein
Posted on Fri, 10/08/2010 - 14:10


it seems like something went wrong during installation. Please uninstall ARIS Express. Go to the system control panel and select the Java icon. There, you should be able to uninstall Java applications. ARIS Express should be listed there. After uninstall, please try again the installation and let us know if it worked this time.

by Amol Patil
Posted on Mon, 10/11/2010 - 07:41

Hello Carol,

The solution from Dr. Sebastian will solve your problem.

But if it still persists, check out the following steps to know the exact problem.

1. open "Java Control Panel" from windows control panel.

2. Navigate to "Advance" tab.

3. Check to show java console from the options. and apply the settings.

4. Now run Aris Express. You will see java console on screen.

If there is problem loading ARIS, the console will show the specific problem.



by Frank Weyand
Posted on Mon, 10/11/2010 - 16:12

Hi Carol.

On the screenshots you've shown us, there is still a Express 2.0 icon. Currently, we have 2.2 released, so I wonder where you got the setup from...

If the installation still does not work, you can try the alternative download link.




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