I am going crazy with this.
I have created my own semantic check rule and I'm trying to debug it. To be precise, I want to use step-by-step debugging.
When I first tried it, I got the message that I need to setup a profile in order to debug a semantic check rule. So I created a profile and added this rule to it.
When I open the profile code, I can debug the profile. But not the rule I created!
When I put a break point on the rule, it gets misteriously transferred to the profile, in the same line.
Can anybody help?
I'm afraid that it's not possible to debug the code from a semantic check, which is really awful for a programmer.
I I hope that it should be fixed in the next versions.
Anyway, if anybody knows how to debug a custom semantic check, I would be very pleased if this person shares its knowledge
I think I've found a way to debug customs semantic checks, but it's a bit tricky and not very intuitive.
First of all, you have to know your rule's name, yes, that long name like ''Rule_7330c4f0_cb25_11e1_649f_0050569c00ec" or something like that (of course, previously you should have added this rule to your profile throught the visual assistant).
Next, you have to assign the rule to a profile (again, you'll have to use the visual assistant).
Now, you have to search your rule's name (the long name) in the code of the profile and when it will be found, you can mark the line with a debug point (note that profile's code is not editable)
After this, you can choose your debug points in the code of your custom semantic check.
Finally, you will execute the profile's code (it should triggers an assistant to select an appropiate context to launch the code of your semantic check) . At this point, it's expected that the execution of the code should stops in your debug points.
I hope it will be helpful for everyone.
Kind regards